Our practice now offers video GP consultations. This method of consultation is initially only being offered to patients who are house bound (patients who are unable to leave their home due to illness) via the patient access app.
How to use Video Consultations
Getting started is easy. You first need to register and download EMIS patient access. Patients can register by clicking on the following link https://www.patientaccess.com/join/
EMIS patient access can be used on your smartphone, tablet or computer. You can also download the EMIS patient access for free via the App store or via Google Play. To use EMIS patient access from your home computer, click here https://www.patientaccess.com/
Taking part in a video consultation using Patient Access
Please make sure you are in a quiet and private area so the clinician can hear you, but you cannot be overheard by other people.
Please make sure the device you are using to connect to the consultation is not on mute, or your clinician will not be able to hear you.
- Sign in to Patient Access in the usual way
- In the Appointments section of the dashboard find the video consultation appointment
- Beside the appointment details, click Join
- If the clinician has already joined you will be connected directly, otherwise you will be on hold until they join you
(It is prohibited to upload, download, use or re-use any personal information regarding any person other than yourself without their explicit prior consent)
Useful Tips and Advice
- Join your appointment at least 15 minutes early to allow for preparation time
- Speak clearly so your voice can be picked up by the microphone
- Look at the camera so you can achieve good eye contact with the clinician
- You and a clinician from our practice will be on a computer screen, tablet or smartphone at each end of the video consultation.
- Poor quality internet connections can often interfere with the quality of the video conference. Therefore, please use the fastest connection you have available (mobile or broadband) and the device with highest resolution/quality webcam/rear facing camera
- At the start of the consultation the GP will introduce themselves and the reason for the consultation will be explained. You will be asked some identifying questions such as your name, address, and date of birth to make sure the right patient, right doctors and right health records are present. The clinician will speak with you and ask you questions in the same way as they would at a face-to-face consultation